“Concerns” About the New Training

by Apr 4, 2017

Four “Concerns” with the New TPM Process

After much testing of the revised TPM Process  (the “Seven Boxes” with questions) and receiving ministry facilitator feedback, the overwhelming response has been very positive. All but a few reported they were having good success and greatly appreciated the revisions. However, within this overwhelmingly positive context, there have been a few concerns.

Since each of these issues will also be more fully addressed in the main body of training, what  follows is a summary of the articles available and a links to each one.

Click on the title of each concern below to learn more about each area. 


Nothing in the new approach changes anything that the  Spirit was doing before with the  original training. The Spirit’s role in the process is still the same. He was before, is now, and will continue to be the granter of truth. In the early years of TPM, we taught that during a ministry session, that Jesus took people to, or revealed to them which memory needed to be worked through. Today we realize we were mistaken in doing this. We now realize that because of our free will He never takes, nor has He ever taken any person to a memory, directed them to go anywhere, removed any barriers that might appear to hinder their forward motion, provided them any memory content information or rescued them from anything. We remember because we choose to remember, and we will choose to remember when whatever we believe that hinders us from doing so is resolved with the truth.  If no memory comes to our mind as we focus on what we are feeling, it is only because we ourselves are hindering the natural process of association to occur.

In the early years we assumed that Jesus was taking people to a memory because we asked and then they sometimes remembered something. Just because we asked the Lord to take us to a memory and then we remembered something, does not mean that He did it.  If the Lord actually was the one taking us to memory, then why did this approach only work some of the time? Does He only help sometimes? Today we realize that people will easily go to the memory they need to when they are willing to do so. When no memory comes to mind, it is only because they are resisting it.  We understand this to be a solution.

As in the earlier approach, we believe the person has everything necessary to go to the place they need to go in order to receive the Lord’s truth. The only thing standing between the person and the Lord’s truth is their own belief and choice. This is where the Belief and Choice Principle comes into play. No one, including Jesus, needs to rescue the person from anything. They are never stuck at any time during a session but only making a choice not to move forward based upon what they believe.

Therefore, they do not need to be taken to a memory since they are able themselves to choose to go there.  Nothing is hidden that they themselves did not hide. No wall or barrier stands before them that they did not erect. No demon is keeping them from anything. Rather if present, such things may be providing them with a way of escape from that which they subconsciously do not want to do. No one is a victim needing to be rescued from what is in their own mind.

There have been no limitations placed on the Spirit by the revisions and improvements in the TPM process, but through these changes in the process, the facilitator has been provided with a more efficient manner in which to participate with what the Spirit has been doing all along and continues to do.

Some facilitators reported that the process was too scripted and predictable, thus eliminating their need to trust or rely upon the Spirit’s direction. However, the facilitator should have been following the person and not the “Spirit” in the first place. There is a difference between relying on the Spirit and stumbling around not knowing what to do next. Ascertaining the direction to take has always been the same in TPM; trust the Spirit, but follow the person. If the facilitator is following the “Spirit,” then this means the facilitator is in the second position, which then places the person in third place following the facilitator. This is not TPM protocol now, nor was it in the past. The role of the facilitator is never to lead at all.

If a facilitator believes he has lost his way and does not know which way to turn, he is trying to lead and not follow. If he is following the person then he can never be lost. If he does not know which location (Box) the person is in during a ministry session or what to do or ask, this is evidence of a lack of training and understanding. As long as the facilitator is following the person,  he can never be lost since he’s not leading. If the facilitator simply does not know where the person is during a session—which of the Boxes he is in—then he can ask the “Lost” question, “What is going on?” How the person answers this question will provide the information needed for the facilitator to know where the person is, and therefore, which question to ask next.

When a facilitator does not know what to do, he may feel the need of the Spirit to rescue him. This probably has more to do with a lack of training and experience than anything else. This can be resolved by becoming well equipped for doing the ministry. Every facilitator is encouraged to become as equipped as possible in order to be a sharp instrument in the hand of God. A tree can eventually be felled with a dull axe, but a sharp axe can bring down many more trees with less time and effort. And Oh! What a chainsaw can accomplish!


This complaint is totally accurate. This is a poorly worded question for sending people to look for a memory. However, that is not the purpose of the question. If the purpose of the question was to send the person looking for a memory, then this question is not a good one for accomplishing that. The purpose of this question is not intended to have the person look for a memory or even try to remember. This question is based upon the God-created process called association. When a person focuses on what he is feeling and is aware of association, he will remember something related to his present feelings. If this does not naturally occur, then there is something wrong.

Just as we were mistaken about Jesus taking people to memories, we were also mistaken about the person needing to go look for memories themselves. We do not need to go and find a memory. The very fact that we are feeling the emotion coming from the lie, means that we are already connected to a memory where we felt this same way before. All that needs to happen now is association.

Association is a natural and God created process that operates automatically unless it is deliberately hindered. Like breathing, we do not need to think about it in order to do it, but we can also choose not to breathe and can hold our breath if we want to. We do not have to remember something if we do not want to, and sometimes remembering something creates a perceived problem for us that not remembering solves.

Emotion flows from what we currently believe. Our current belief was learned in a life experience which is now a memory.  When we focus on what we are feeling, our minds will associate either where we used the same belief to interpret our situation or where we initially learned and embraced the belief. If this doesn’t occur, it’s because we are choosing to hinder association from occurring. when this occurs a solution is engaged.

In TPM it is assumed that we will remember everything we need to remember when we are willing to do so. Our willingness is directly related to what we believe. If I believe that remembering may have negative consequences, then I will probably not remember. We call this “Solution” behavior that is based upon a SOLUTION belief. This is where we move over to the SOLUTION Box and ask the De-Solution Tool questions.

Each of us already has the knowledge we need to position ourselves to receive the Lord’s truth. We assume nothing is hidden unless we ourselves have hidden it. If we are not getting to the place we need to be to receive the Lord’s truth, it is our own belief and choice that stands in the way. In fact, if at anytime we are having to try to remember something, we are actually fighting with ourselves, which is an indication of a contrary belief at play.

Remembering is a natural process of association that is without effort when there is nothing believed to keep it from occurring. If a ministry facilitator asks a question that suggests the person looks for a memory, or worse, sends the person looking, the facilitator has failed to understand the process.

God created the mind to associate to a memory automatically when it’s given input to do so. The facilitator never needs to send the ministry recipient off on a “memory hunt.” Questions such as, “Can you remember any time where you felt this way before?” or statements like “Focus on what you are feeling and see if you can remember anything” are not needed and should be avoided. It is essential we have good understanding about how the mind works, the reality of association, and how belief and choice can hinder this process. The prescribed questions provided will not send the person looking for a memory, but will help him to understand what he is doing that is hindering his remembering. The facilitator never needs to devise new questions when administering the TPM Process. If he feels compelled to do so, then he simply does not understand the process.

Our minds use association everyday. For example, when you read the word “Christmas” and think about it for just a moment, a memory will surface. This is the way God designed your mind to work. In like fashion, your mind will naturally bring to the fore the lie-based emotions which accompany your current lie-based belief, as well as the associated memory of where you have felt this way before. When you choose to connect with and feel these emotions, your mind will automatically do the rest.

Unless that person has decided not to remember, a memory will come to mind when asked, “As you focus on what you’re feeling, what comes to your mind?” We can choose to override the association process. The purpose of the second EMOTION Box question is to determine if the person is doing anything to prevent this God-created process of association from working. The person can block out the memory, refuse to focus, or employ other “solutions,” and, thereby, draw a blank. When this occurs, there will always be a belief behind what is happening.  This is when the De-Solution Tool comes into play.

Herein lies the confusion about the second question in the EMOTION Box.  This question is NOT designed to send a person on a memory hunt, rather it is designed to determine if anything is preventing association from naturally occurring. Today we know that remembering something is an effortless process of association and occurs naturally unless it is deliberately prevented by the persons themselves. Asking the person to try to remember is no longer encouraged or needed.

No time during a ministry session should a person be looking for a memory. The ministry facilitator should never send the person looking and NEVER ask any questions that encourage him to try to remember. Association is how we remember not effort. If we will focus on what we are feeling then our minds should associate us to a memory. If this does not occur, trying harder to remember is not the answer. There is a reason that we are unable to connect with the memory related to what we are feeling. The reason will be belief.

Since the purpose of the question is not to send the person looking for memory, it is crucial that the mentoring facilitator  understand this and teach the true purpose of the question to his Mentee. If the mentee does not understand the intent of the question then he probably will become confused. However, to the degree that the mentee unders this question as well as the rest of the process, all confusion will go away.

In fairness to those  people who were trained in TPM during the early years, this is a contrary to the concept  you were formerly taught. Here is where we will need to “un-learn” some of what we were taught. Some of the questions provided in the early training in TPM actually mis-directed the person to go on a memory hunt. Spend as much time as needed to train the person in the process and the purpose of the questions. All of this information is made easily available on this website.

In summary, the purpose of the question is:   

  • To determine if anything is hindering the natural process of association from happening.
  • To remind the person to focus on what he is feeling and expect that his feeling will associate him with memory and belief.
  • To permit the person to take responsibility for identifying the “solutions” he is providing for himself.
  • NOT to help the person find a memory or send them looking for one.


Some people have complained that the MEMORY Box questions can become redundant and monotonous and even frustrate the person receiving ministry. This is understandable if the person receiving the prayer ministry is uninformed about the ministry process and the reason  these questions are being asked. Here again, Mentor, train your mentee well. Take time in every session to give instruction, orientation and explanation. Assign “homework” for the mentee at the end of every session to read an article, watch a video, and take responsibility for his own journey. Discuss what was assigned at the next meeting.

If the one being prayed with has been clearly oriented to the process, the questions will make sense and he can more easily flow with the process. When he understands the purpose of the questions, the “redundancy” becomes a challenge for him to dig deeper, to look in new directions, or to clarify his responses. This is why it’s so important to train the mentee in the process as well as in the principles and concepts of TPM. If the person being prayed with doesn’t know what’s going on and doesn’t realize the ministry facilitator is following a specific process, it may in fact seem redundant and monotonous. Nevertheless, this can be easily resolved with good orientation.

You are encouraged to invest at least 20-25% of each session in the orientation and training of the person. A layering approach works well. Begin the session by reviewing the process, the  questions, and the general principles before beginning the ministry portion of the session. Following the session, return to training using what has just occurred in the session to determine which aspect of the process and training you need to emphasize.  A well-equipped ministry recipient will experience smoother and more successful ministry sessions. He will also become equipped in TPM for his daily life.


The term “De-Solution” may seem a little confusing at first glance, since we generally understand a solution as a positive thing. When a solution is based upon the truth and actually benefits the situation, we would say it is indeed good. However, in a TPM session, the person’s solution to his perceived problem may not be positive, but may be the very hindrance keeping him from the truth God has for him. His solution is actually the “problem” that needs to be resolved. His solution is supported by the lie or lies that he believes. This lie-based solution can be deactivated or “De-Solutioned” when the person is willing to identify his false belief and receive the Lord’s perspective. Therefore, we need to “de-Solution” his solution.

It is safe to say this tool is one of  the most important concepts you will learn in the TPM process. When  you understand a person’s solution behavior and how to deal with it, your sessions will progress successfully. Without this understanding, you will find the session stalls out and the person seems unable to move forward. There are several different articles that discuss the solution concept and the application of the De-Solution Tool. They are posted in sequential order. The link will take you to the first one in the series. Please spend much time learning this very important concept.

Any issue that has ever arisen concerning the application of TPM could be resolved by simply educating the person being prayed with in the Process, Principles, and Purpose of TPM. There is nothing the facilitator knows or is doing concerning TPM that the person should not also know. It is the role of the mentoring facilitator to help equip the mentee with the knowledge and life skill provided by TPM. The mentee has access to this same training and should be continually encouraged to take responsibility for his own journey.

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