Translated Resources
(check back regularly, more to come)
*Note: Although it is our goal to supply the most current version of the TPM training in other languages, some translated material is of older, out-of-date versions of the TPM training.
TPM en français
The following is an excerpt from a live video presentation done by Ed and Joshua Smith. They were invited to be guest speakers at TPM training event in Geneva, Switzerland. Notice: This is only a small part of the available training.
Ce qui suit est un extrait de vidéo filmée à Genève en Suisse. Ed et Joshua Smith y ont été invités pour présenter le Ministère de Prière pour la Transformation. Remarque: ce n’est qu’une petite partie de la formation disponible.
Downloadable Training Resources
ressources de formation téléchargeables
“Schéma de l’enchaînement des questions”
TPM auf Deutsch
The following are excerpts from live video broadcasts between Ed and Joshua Smith and a group of people from Austria and Germany. Notice: This is only a small part of the available training.
Die folgenden Auszüge stammen aus Live-Videoübertragungen zwischen Ed und Joshua Smith sowie einer Gruppe von Menschen aus Österreich und Deutschland. Hinweis: Dies ist nur ein kleiner Teil des verfügbaren Trainings.
TPM en español
The following Maps and Flowcharts have been translated into Spanish. These resources are to paired with the Spanish edition of “The Principles, Purpose, and Process of TPM” (which will be available soon).
Los siguientes mapas y diagramas de flujo han sido traducidos al español. Estos recursos deben emparejarse con la edición en español de “Los Principios, Propósito y Proceso de TPM” (que estará disponible pronto).
Objectives Map (ESPAÑOL)
transformation Prayer Ministry