Benefits of TPM
As you learn and apply the TPM Process, Principles and Purpose you should reap the same great benefits as the thousands who have gone before you. Others have reported
Being Able to View Life Difficulties and Crisis as Purposeful and Not an Obstacle to Just Get Through
The purpose of TPM is to provide a means for us to intentionally and purposefully cooperate with what God is doing to refine our faith, renew our minds and transform our lives. As you learn the Process, Principles
The apostle Paul had this view of his tribulations, “… we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Rom. 5:3-5) James the Apostle encouraged us to “… consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (Ja. 1:2-4). Unless we have a heart belief that supports this thinking, it will be unlikely that these Bible passages will feel true even though we give them intellectual assent.
Experiencing Genuine Ongoing Mind Renewal and Transformation.
TPM is focused upon identifying the lie-based belief we harbor that hinders us from knowing the truth with our hearts and that thwarts the transformation God desires for us. You can experience predictable and expected transformation in your life and emotions as your mind is renewed with His truth and perspective. Transformation always follows genuine mind renewal. However, authentic mind renewal goes beyond learning and memorizing Bible verses. If this were not so, then the unbeliever would be transformed by learning what the Bible says. “Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Rom. 12:2) The Apostle Paul alluded to a
Operating According to the Divine Order of Things
There is an order of things that must be followed if we are to live out the truth and experience the fruit of the Spirit. God does what He does that makes it possible for us to do what we do. The first must occur before the second can follow. We are only able to live victoriously and “walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,” because of what God does that makes our walk possible. This is revealed in the Bible passage to follow. Notice the transitional phrase, “SO THAT,” found in this passage. This phrase says it all.
The Apostle Paul prayed,“… we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, SO THAT you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.” (Col. 1:9-12) Our walk (the good works we do and the fruit we bear) must follow having received the truth that God has poured out
This passage is clear, in order to walk in a manner that is pleasing unto God, we must follow this order of things. God bestows His truth within our hearts “so that” we may walk. Even our best effort in doing rightly fails to be pleasing if it is not the outcome of God’s granting us His truth first. Our good works must be a fruit of God’s investment of truth. It is here that we experience the fruit of the Spirit as opposed to our trying to “do the fruit.”
Using the Process “Tool” of TPM to Be a More Effective Parent.
The primary role of the parent is to instill heart belief into their children. If we fail to do this the void will be filled with something else. In the early years (birth to about age twelve) our heart belief is established. Heart belief is how I view my self and my world about me. Once this belief is in place, I will view and interpret all life thereafter through the lens of this belief. The TPM process provides us with an effective tool for parenting our children and grandchildren. With it, we are more able to ensure that they grow in the knowledge of the truth and are equipped to address the lie-based beliefs that they will
TPM provides us a predictable means for identifying the lies our children have picked up and
Finding Lasting Resolution to Our Relational Conflicts.
Most marital and other relational conflicts have little or anything to with the relationship itself. Even so, more often than not, each party in the relationship blames the other for the emotional pain that they feel. Nevertheless, the emotional pain that is experienced in relationships is about each person’s own lie-based belief being triggered. Since this is the case, it is impossible to resolve the conflict by merely addressing the situational issue. As long as the lie-based belief is in place the issues will continue to resurface over and again. But as each person involved is willing to take responsibility for what they feel —and therefore, what they believe, hope for a loving and fruitful relationship becomes possible.
Experiencing the Scriptures Coming to Life and FEELING True
As we come to believe the truth with our hearts, that which we have believed with our intellect will begin to “feel true.” Since we feel whatever we believe, the Scriptures should stir up positive and powerful emotions when read or given thought to. For example, if we really believed in our heart that God loved us and had an eternal plan for us, this truth should cause us to feel something? If it doesn’t then it may only be an intellectual belief and not one of the heart.
Experiencing the Peace of Christ Ruling in Your Heart
What we feel at any given moment is reflective of what we believe in our hearts. We always feel whatever we believe. Peace follows truth, so where there is truth there should be peace. The Scriptures declare that the Lord Himself desires to grant us peace in every life situation where it says, “may the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.” (2 Tim. 3:16) This means that the circumstance is not the reason that we may not have peace. If we feel something other than His peace then it is because we believe something producing that emotion. So then, if we do not have peace in EVERY circumstance we need to ask, “Why not?” There is so much more you will discover as you learn about this ministry model. May the Lord bless this journey you share with Him!
Comment Below
I have. been involved with TPM for about 20 years and have seen incredible results. I now want to start a training program
What do I need to get started?
Everything that you need is found on this website. Go to and follow the suggested path.
I am really excited about this training, or rather, lifestyle!
I have been using TPM for several years now, without it being known as TPM. God someday just showed me what to do, and I have done it within my own life, and in the life of others. But now I do the training so it becomes more and more a lifestyle, and to learn more about the purpose and principles as well. I love to be a tool within this as a mentor, still being a mentee as well, letting me be transformed and stand next to others in their transformation. God is so wonderful! I still have lot to learn, but I can’t help but just loving that!