Introduction to Transformation Prayer Ministry (video)
Study Questions
1. In this video, Dr. Ed shared how the women in his “survivor’s support group” knew the truth about their abuse with their minds (intellectually), but they did not believe it in their hearts. Are there biblical truths that you know with your intellect that you have had difficulty believing with your heart?
2. What are the implications for our daily lives concerning the TPM principle that says, “We feel whatever we believe?”
3. What is your reaction to the principle that “no one or nothing can ever make you feel anything that you may feel?”
4. What are the ramifications for blaming others our our situation for the emotions that we feel?
5. How can we say we believe the Scripture passage that says “God will supply all of our needs…” (Phil. 4:19) and yet still worry over our finances? How is this an example of double-mindedness? Why does trying harder to believe not work?
6. How is our efforts in controlling behavior different from self control that is the fruit of the Spirit?
7. How do you react to the idea that much of what we do that we call spiritual in the Christian life, is nothing that any unbeliever could also do if he simply put his mind to doing it? If this is true, what does this say about our spiritual performance? What sets a true believer in Christ apart from others who practice different religions?
8. In the video Dr. Ed often refers to experiential belief. This form of belief is what we will soon learn to be our heart or core belief. Heart belief always “trumps” our intellectual belief when the occasion arises where they are in conflict. Why do you think this is so? Why do you think that the lies we believe with our hearts are so difficult to change using our intellect to do so? Why can’t we just choose to believe the truth and therefore, believe it and it feel true to us?
9. The Bible tells us to “be anxious for nothing.” So then, what should we do if we ever feel even the slightest amount of anxiety? (Hint: Remember, emotion is not something to overcome, suppress, deny or run from, but rather, it is our “friend” pointing out something that needs our attention.)
10. Double-mindedness is the state of simultaneously holding opposing beliefs with our intellect and with our hearts. When this happens, we become “like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind…unstable in all our ways.” (Jam. 1) Can you think of any examples of this reality in your own life. For example, are there Bible truths that you believe intellectually, but yet do not feel true in your heart?
11. According to James 1 we should “consider it joy” when we encounter life difficulties. Is joy the emotion that you experience during your life difficulties and troubles? If this is not true for you, then why is it not?
12. Only the Holy Spirit can talk us out of our “impure faith” that is, the lies we believe with our hearts. Are there things that you believe that are contrary to the truth that you have struggled to overcome?
13. How do you react to the idea that it requires no more effort to live in the truth once we know it with the heart, than it did to live in the lies we believed in our hearts? If this is so, what are the implications for this in our daily life and our hope for walking in victory?
14. How is doubt a sign of believing something contrary to the truth? How are we to deal with doubt?
15. What is the problem with making the fruit of the Spirit a “to-do” list? Can you give testimony of genuine evidence of the fruit of the Spirit in your own life?
16. Romans 12:2 says we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. What does it mean to have our minds renewed? How is this transformation brought about? Why is transformation much more than just growing in Bible knowledge? What does mind renewal and transformation have to do with our experiencing the fruit of the Spirit?
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Comment Below
I heard about about TPM from my friend from USA.
Here, in Poland, there is lack of TPM. I started practicing it independently [I mean without any partner]. Many times I felt relief.
I hope this method will reach also to my country and become popular.
I stumbled upon your old website,, two months ago. I just found this new one. I knew you were revising material, but I bought the old theophostic material because I couldn’t wait to dig in. I’ve been pouring over your manuals, videos, and both websites.
I had a theophostic experience with Jesus 20 years ago. He appeared to me. I was not in counseling and had no mentor. He did for me what you bring to people all the time. It completely transformed my life. Since then I have been without stress and unaffected by negativity. I literally felt like I went from one person to another! For 20 yrs I have tried unsuccessfully, most of the time, to get people to “get what I got.” Now, because of you, I am so excited to learn how to successfully bring people to experience Jesus the way I did, and have a life changing transformation with him. Great job on this website, and Thank you so much for sharing what you do!
Is there contact information anywhere (besides writing on this wall)?
Like an e-mail address..
Thank you for an excellent explanation of Transformation Prayer Ministry and why every believer needs this to transform their faith and not just “traumatized” people.
I was introduced to Transformation Prayer about four years ago and had no idea how much this would transform my life. Through three previous years of secular counseling I was still like “Mary” in Ed’s teaching. My head knew the truth but my heart and soul still hurt terribly. When using TPM Jesus spoke truth to the lies that I believed about myself and the healing rushed in. I am my Father’s daughter – His precious daughter. TPM is a gift from God for the wounds in our lives. We do not need to remain angry, agitated or victimized any longer. Jesus will set you free when you use the Transformation Prayer Ministry.
I’d like to know why you named it Theophostic Prayer Ministry in the first place?
This explanation is shared on the “History of TPM” page. You will find this link in the horizontal navigation bar at the top of the each page.
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!!
Your Welcome! Your Welcome! Your Welcome!
I am the Unit Chaplain at the Arkansas Department of Correction North Central Unit in Calico Rock, Arkansas. I have been associated with Arkansas prisons either as a volunteer or an employee since 1994. I want to become the tool in the hands of the Holy Spirit that He can use to help incarcerated men get out of the mindset of just receiving more spiritual information and going to more Christian classes and thinking they have been changed because they were baptized or because they completed Bible studies. I know God called me to preach but I have become disillusioned and discouraged by watching so many people receive so much intellectual truth from the Bible from sermons and classes and yet there is absolutely no real lasting change in those people. I have known for years the people in my spiritual care do not really internalize the truth but only fill their heads with it. I like the TPM approach because it so accurately states the biggest challenge I have in prison ministry. The challenge is getting people to see the lie based thinking that has destroyed their lives and is still destroying them. I believe TPM can be effectively implemented in the prison culture. There is no place where there is more deception and lie based thinking than where God has sent me to minister. I am excited about what he is going to do through me as I become changed and free and begin to pray this way with others . Please pray for me.
We will pray that God uses you in a mighty way in the prison system. Take your time and learn TPM well. Don’t get in a hurry. The goal is not completion, but becoming an effective tool in God’s hand.
Amazing and heart felt. Brave and kind Freedom not bondage! An ever flowing journey with our Father. God is our Potter..I am the clay. I so enjoyed this…God is good. What a blessing live this intentional freedom he offers us. Blessings