Word from Our Founder
God is doing a marvelous work in the lives of untold thousands from all around the world through Transformation Prayer Ministry (formerly known as Theophostic Prayer Ministry /TPM). This ministry found its way into over 150 plus countries worldwide simply by word of mouth and not through any effort on our part. All of the live training seminars we have provided over the last two decades were held in locations where TPM had been established long before we ever got there.
We have received tens of thousands of letters and emails from people from all over the world who have said they have been literally transformed through the power and presence of Jesus through this ministry. God is doing a wonderful work and I am amazed and blessed.
I did my very first “TPM” session with a woman nearly twenty years ago who had been sexually abused as a child. It was by “accident” that I stumbled onto, what has since become, this worldwide ministry. When she looked up through her tear filled eyes, with a beaming countenance -that changed from despair, shame and fear into perfect peace and joy- I knew that I had witnessed a miracle. What I saw in that moment was something that I could have never accomplished myself as a counselor. The Lord transformed her by simply revealing His truth and perspective to her personally. She moved from believing lies to experientially knowing the truth. Of course I had no idea that this was just the beginning and that she would be the first of thousands upon thousands to experience this same freedom.
From the beginning this ministry was positioned under the umbrella of a FOR-PROFIT organization called New Creation Publishing. All funding came through the sale of goods and services we provided. Up until now, we have not solicited or expected others to give to support this work. The funds that have come in through purchases of training materials have been sufficient to cover the cost of our operation. But recently things have changed.
Today we believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to take this ministry to EVERY believer EVERYWHERE in the world and to do so WITHOUT COST. We do not want there to be any barrier hindering any person from receiving this training. Accomplishing the task that is set before us will require the help and support of the entire TPM community. To make this possible we established a new corporation called Transformation Prayer Ministry International, Inc. This non-profit corporation allows people to participate in supporting this work with their gifts and donations. I personally invite you to join hands with us as we seek to make this ministry FREELY available to every believer, everywhere and in in every language within the entire global Body of Christ.
In the freedom that only the Lord gives,
Ed Smith: Founder