The Holy Spirit’s Role in the TPM Process
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The Basics
Key Concepts
- The Holy Spirit will lead the person into the truth. (Jo. 16:13)
- The Holy Spirit encourages us to move forward.
- The Holy Spirit persuades and convinces us of the truth within our hearts.
- We can speak to the mind of the person, but only the Spirit can persuade the person of the truth in his heart.
The role of the Holy Spirit is multi-fold. All that He does for and within the believer we will never fully know this side of eternity. However, in the ministry session three things are obvious. The Holy Spirit will lead the person into the truth. Jesus said it this way, “when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.” (Jo. 16:13) It is not the responsibility of the mentoring facilitator to give the person the truth, even though it is hard at times to keep the mouth closed. As I just stated, people who have been operating as a counselor or teacher tend to have the greatest difficulty with this role transition. The fact is, we cannot tell people the truth in such a way that the outcome is transformation. This is a work of the Holy Spirit. The reason we need to remain silent when we ask the Lord for truth is this; the person does not need intellectual belief in the moment, he needs heart truth. A counselor or Bible teacher may provide the “facts and figures” of the Bible to a person, but only the Holy Spirit can speak to the heart of man. In these moments, the Holy Spirit is not bringing new revelation to the person, but rather providing His illumination or understanding of the truth He has already given in His written Word. This does not mean that the person will necessarily receive the King James version when the Spirit speaks, but the Spirit will never speak new revelation or “truth” that is contrary to what He has given in the Bible. When the truth is believed in the heart, transformation always follows. Truth believed with the mind can make one smarter, but intellectual belief provides no guarantee for transformation. The Holy Spirit Encourages. I have witnessed untold times where during a ministry session, the person will report sensing the Holy Spirit urging them to move forward while also bringing a sense of assurance and hope. The Holy Spirit does not lead a person anywhere in the session, but rather accompanies them into all places. As hard as it may be to believe, every person knows exactly where they need to go in a ministry session. Nothing is hidden from them. Nothing is hindering them from the truth other than their own belief and choice. They will remember what they need to when they choose to. They will choose to when what they believe that runs contrary to remembering is replaced with the Lord’s truth. This is not to say that they have not hidden what they know from themselves. This is common. This is called dissociation, suppression, repression and denial. Nonetheless, all of these things are choices made and maintained by belief. It might be compared to me saying something like, “I have hidden my car keys and I cannot find them.” Are they hidden? In a sense. Do I need someone to find them? No. when I am ready to remember, I will. This is especially common after a “solution belief” has been identified and the person receives truth from the Spirit. Remember how people will come up with solutions for dealing with what they perceive to be a problem. Examples of such perceived problems might include; “If I remember the memory I will be overwhelmed.” “If I let my anger go he will get by with what he did.” “If I feel what I am feeling I will be controlled by my emotion and it will be too much to bear.” These “problems” are dealt with through applying solutions that are based upon beliefs. These solutions and beliefs might include; “I suppress my memory (solution) because if I don’t remember I won’t be overwhelmed (belief).” “I will hold on to my anger, (solution) because staying angry holds him accountable (belief).” “I will suppress and deny what I feel (solution), because if I don’t feel then I will not be controlled by my emotion and I will not be overpowered by them.” However, when the Holy Spirit provides His truth to the ministry recipient’s heart, the person’s belief changes and he is able to move forward. Here is where people often find great encouragement from the Spirit. His truth encourages them to press into the pain and expose the lies they believe. The Holy Spirit persuades and convinces us of the truth. In John 16:8 Jesus says this concerning the Holy Spirit, “when He comes, will convict the world concerning sin and righteousness and judgment…” Most modern translation translates the Greek word elégxō into the English word “to convict.” In the court of law, a person is said to be convicted of a crime when he is found to be guilty. Sometimes the word convicted is used synonymously with the word “bad.” So when a person feels bad for something they have done it is said that they are convicted of their doing. For example, I might say, “I feel convicted or bad for not calling my mother on her birthday.” When I think about being convicted of sin I think of some of the old revival services I used to go to as a child. At the end of the preaching portion of the service they would give the “invitation.” The invitation was a means of convicting the wayward sinner and breaking down his resistance to repent of his sin. Though the process took on many forms, a common strategy I recall followed a three-fold attack. First there would be the “love and mercy” approach by using compelling entreaties and supplications of how much God loved them in spite of their sinfulness. If this did not get a response, then the heat would be turned up with the threats of judgement and retribution and the promise of a fiery and eternal damnation. If mercy and judgement did not stir the sinner in conviction, then shaming would be applied; “What kind of sinner are you anyway after all that God has done for you…” All of this was applied in the context of singing thirty-seven verses of “Just As I Am.” It was a gruesome and enduring experience that the sinner might eventually break down under conviction. The word translated as “convict” in John 16:13 actually means “to convince someone of something” as opposed to convicting them. Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance defines it this way, “… to convince with solid, compelling evidence …”[1] Typically when we think about convicting someone of something, it usually involves the act of condemning and shaming their behavior. This is not what the Holy spirit does. The reason we feel bad about our sins –as it relates to what the Holy Spirit is doing– is not because the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sinfulness, but rather because He convinces us of the truth. When He reveals His truth to us and convinces us in our hearts of its validity, our view of sin changes. We see sin for what it is in the light of the truth as opposed to viewing it through the lens of deception. Until I am convinced of the truth, I will continue to believe the lies I believe concerning my sin. However, when my sin is brought into the light of the truth, I see it for what it is; disappointing, empty, unsatisfying, and destructive. Nevertheless, until this happens, the lies I believe draw me back to the polluted watering hole and keep me from drinking from the river of life. When I know the truth, I will view sin from God’s perspective and will grieve as He too grieves over my sin. When I know the truth in my heart, it will displace any previous conflicting belief, and as an outcome, effortlessly transform how I live my life. This is where we experience the fruit of the Holy Spirit. [1] Strong, J. (1890). Strong’s exhaustive concordance of the Bible. Abingdon Press.
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What Part Does the Holy Spirit Play in the TPM Process?
Key Concepts
- Unless the Lord grants the person the truth, no transformation will occur. Only the Holy Spirit can replace the lies we believe with His truth.
- Other than the Spirit granting truth, everything else that occurs in a session is because the person chooses it.
- The Belief and Choice principle is a dynamic that is always at work in every session. The person never needs to be rescued from anything other than the lies that are believed, and the Lord will do this when the person is in the position to receive.
We must enter into each session fully aware that unless the Lord grants the person the truth, no transformation will occur. Only the Holy Spirit can replace the lies we believe with His truth; causing the lies we once believed to no longer feel true and thus lose their influence over us. However, we also must realize that everything that happens in the session –other than the Lord granting truth – only occurs because the person chooses it. People move forward when they make the choice to do so, and this happens as their beliefs allow them. Here again, the “Belief and Choice Principle” is always active. Though the Holy Spirit does not force the person to do anything at any point along the way, He influences in other ways. For instance, God does not forcibly make people come for prayer ministry, yet He can orchestrate their life in ways that motivate them in that direction. He does not hold them in their chair during the session, but He can give grace to endure. He does not make them feel their negative emotions, but He created them with the capacity to feel. He does not make them remember anything, but He did create memory and the process of association. He doesn’t take them to memories, but because of the association processes He has created, they are capable of remembering all that is needed when they are ready to do so. Everything that happens in the ministry session is accomplished through the person’s decisions, which are made possible through the support of –but not the dictate or even direction of– the Holy Spirit. During a TPM session, the Holy Spirit is available to be the person’s strength and power, but it is not telling him what to do, or directing him or her where to go. This is because He doesn’t need to do so. Every person lands right where he needs to, when he chooses to do so. The Belief and Choice principle is a dynamic that is always at work in every session. The person is always operating on free will, following their own emotion to the beliefs on which they operate daily. He or she never needs to be rescued from anything other than the lies that are believed, and the Lord will do this when the person is in the position to receive. Although the Holy Spirit is present throughout, offering strength and power to do what is needed, He allows the process to proceed as He has created our minds and our freewill to function. And then at the right moment He graciously provides the truth that heals.
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Following a system is no less spiritual than not knowing what to do
Key Concepts
- Our not knowing where we are in a session is probably NOT an indication of trusting or following the Spirit, but rather a lack of knowledge in the PROCESS and a need for more training.
- When the person understands the TPM process and recognizes each question and knows when and why they are asked, the road straightens out and the session flows with much greater ease.
- There is nothing that the facilitator needs to figure out in a session other than knowing where the person is on the “MAP.” When the facilitator knows where he is on the “MAP”, he knows exactly what question to ask.
- If all that is needed is to be dependent upon the Spirit and follow His leadership, then why did God give us the Scriptures?
Not knowing where you are going is not an indication that you are being led by The Spirit. And being lost while not knowing what to do is not proof of the Spirit’s involvement, but rather it simply means that you might be missing some of the information that is available to you. A lack of training is not an excuse for being dependent upon God’s leading anymore than trusting God for directions and not reading the Bible. With TPM we have a reliable “map” and the Holy Spirit is waiting for our arrival at the TRUTH Box ready to grant His truth. To the degree, that the person who is being prayed with, understands the TPM process and principles himself, the smoother the session will flow. Ideally the facilitator is simply following the person all along the way and only speaking as needed. When both people are working as a team, the session is operating at maximum capacity. When the person understands the TPM process and recognizes each question and knows when and why they are asked, the road straightens out and the session flows with much greater ease. A common mistake made by some facilitators is in their trying to figure out what is going on so that they might somehow diagnose the situation and formulate their questions. When this occurs they are no longer doing TPM, but rather some form of cognitive therapy. There is nothing that the facilitator needs to figure out in a session other than knowing where the person is on the “map.” The person is always located in one of the seven map areas; EMOTION, MEMORY, BELIEF, TRUTH, TRANSFORMATION, SOLUTION or ANGER. There is no other place he can be. If the facilitator knows where the person is, then he will also know what question to ask. Some may view a ministry session like the Children of Israel wandering through the wilderness when in fact, it is more like where they marched through the Promised Land and conquered what God had promised. The facilitator may not know the person’s story, memory, or beliefs, but he should know the path to take to reach freedom. Following a system does not make it less spiritual than wandering around hoping that something good may happen. Knowing and following a system just makes doing so more simple, organized and direct.
A TPM Session is Not a Mysterious or Mystical Process
Key Concepts
- Knowledge and understanding in TPM helps us to sync up with how God has designed the mind to work, thus, providing Him with a sharper tool with which to bring about His healing grace without hindrance from us.
- The main problem with a facilitator not knowing what to do during a session is that he typically does something anyway.
- The TPM PROCESS is not mysterious or “spiritual” in and of itself any more than any other mental or bodily process.
- What is spiritual and miraculous is when the Holy Spirit grants His truth in the midst of His created process, that, brings about mind renewal and transformation.
- The Holy Spirit is fulfilling the same role today as He did in the early years of this ministry; granting truth when we are in the right position to receive it. The PROCESS is smoother and easier to apply, but it does not change what the Spirit does in any way.
I think some people view the ministry session as something mysterious and even mystical when in fact it is very explainable and straightforward. Though one could point out that the Lord’s design for our minds is beyond human comprehension, there is much that we do know about it and which we can apply to TPM. The TPM process in much like how one might view a medical procedure which is based upon the dependability and consistency of God’s ordered creation. Because surgeons know that our bodies are designed to respond and do certain things, they can make cuts here and there, take things out and put things in with predictable expectations. Their procedures are based upon the dependability of God’s created order of things. This in and of itself is very spiritual, but yet also predictable and explainable. If we were in need of surgery, we would more likely choose the surgeon on the basis of his knowledge and experience, more so than whether he is given to trusting God to help him know what to do in surgery. Ideally we have both. When my doctor removed my appendix some years ago, the procedure was not a mystery for him —at least I hope it wasn’t. He followed a protocol. He did not wander around with his scalpel cutting here and there hoping for success. He was methodical and calculated in what he did. In contrast, if you came to me seeking an appendectomy, I might start out cutting in the middle and then work my way across from side to side. If I am lucky, I might eventually find your appendix. However, you would probably have a nasty scar. If we are wandering around for hours in a ministry session, this may not be Spirit led, but rather the consequence of not knowing what to do. Having a plan and a system does not limit the Spirit, but rather sharpens the scalpel.
Well Meaning Ministry Facilitators Can Get in the Way
Uninformed and unskilled ministry facilitators can slow the process down, and even take it off course. However, even with poor facilitation, all decisions are still being made by the person. The Belief and Choice principle is still in effect. Nothing is being forced upon the person . The misdirected facilitator is still only asking questions –whether proper or not– and then the person is deciding to follow or not. Unfortunately, some facilitators interpret not knowing where they are, where to go or what questions to ask as them being dependent upon the Holy Spirit. And then when they finally “miraculously” land in the right place and encountering the Lord in truth, they view this as having being led by the Holy Spirit. No offense intended, but this may be more an example of being rescued by the Holy Spirit than being led by Him. Not knowing what to do in a session and “trusting God” is not necessarily an indication of dependence upon Him. In fact, it may only be a lack of knowledge. If not knowing what to do and just trusting God for direction is all that was needed, then why seek-out training in TPM anyway (or training in anything else for that matter). Knowing where you are on the “MAP” and understanding the questions and principles of TPM is not taking anything away from what the Spirit may do in a session, but it does provide Him a sharper tool to work with. If not knowing what to do and trusting alone is all that is needed, then why do we need the Bible? God equips us for service in all areas of the Christian life. He provides us clear instruction and direction for living life. TPM is a form of equipping that takes the guesswork out of a ministry session. We do not need to know beforehand what memory a person may remember, what lie he may expose, what difficulty he might encounter, or what truth the Lord may have for him, but we can know how to get there. We do not eliminate the role of the Holy Spirit by being knowledgeable about the TPM process and following the process. Rather, this is an indication that we are in sync with how God has designed the mind to work, thus, providing Him with a sharper tool with which to bring about His healing grace without hindrance from us. To the degree that we understand what God is doing in the process that He has created, the more efficient a tool we will be in His hand. I understand what it feels like to not know what to do in a session and be crying out to the Lord to do something. This describes some of my early experiences using TPM. This was indeed my depending upon the Holy Spirit, but only because I did not know what to do. It was also an exposure of my own lie-based fear and anxiety. The main problem with a facilitator not knowing what to do during a session is that he typically does something anyway. Then what he does is not always the most profitable. If this same person knew what to do in this moment then he would not have to cry out for help. What is even better is when the person receiving prayer ministry also knows what to do and works in tandem with the facilitator. Today, I only stop and ask for directions when I am lost. As long as I know the way I just keep on driving. The outcome is smoother sessions, recipient participation, teamwork, and continual success.
Because God is predictable, the ministry process is predictable
TPM is based upon the predictable way God has designed our minds to work. When we work in harmony with His creation, we experience predictable outcomes because His Kingdom principles are always consistent. For example, we say often in TPM that “we feel whatever we believe.” This phrase is based upon the God-designed process in which emotion flows from belief. Because all belief was learned during some life experience, all memory is neurologically linked to belief. Since belief produces emotion, if we focus on what we feel, our minds will associate it to memories. When we view a memory through the lens of our beliefs, it will feel like whatever we believe. This is why we may feel badly when we remember certain events . Nevertheless, memories themselves do not produce feelings; feelings flow from belief. Since this is true, we can predictably expect that if a person chooses to focus on what he feels, a memory should naturally come to mind. Again, the reason for this is that God designed this process of association, and it is through association that people access memories– and why TPM “works.” The process itself is not any more “spiritual” than when the doctor checks your reflexes by thumping your knee and your leg jerks. It is part of God’s design, thus it is an observable and explainable process. It is not mysterious or “spiritual” in and of itself any more than any other mental or bodily process. What is spiritual and miraculous is when the Holy Spirit grants His truth in the midst of His created process, that, brings about mind renewal and transformation. This is that which only He can perform. We can make the decisions to move to the proper position to receive His truth but, unless He grants it, nothing occurs. Mind renewal and transformation is solely a work of the Holy Spirit. When we use the TPM process, we are intentionally cooperating with a God designed and predictable process. All the TPM questions are designed to work within God’s process. This reality does not remove the Holy Spirit from the ministry. Rather it acknowledges God as the creator of the process and invites His ongoing participation, which He does through the delivery of truth that renews our minds and brings about genuine transformation.
Same Spirit in the Early Years is Still Present Today
The same Spirit and same truth that was evident in the early years of this ministry are present today. Today, the basic principles are much the same, but the application has been much refined and simplified. Even though the process has been revised and simplified, we see the same wonderful results. Today, the same glorious outcomes are occurring with less difficulty or issue. The difference is in the refinement of the process itself. The process is smoother, less difficult, takes less time, and can be taught and evaluated more easily. Today, the entire TPM process (the seven Boxes) can be explained on one piece of paper and in twenty minutes. That is a major improvement. (That is not to say that a person is ready to do the ministry, but he will possess the knowledge in his hand. Effective facilitation comes with much practice. Of course the “Why we do TPM” is much more involved and comprehensive, but the application of TPM is streamlined. Some people may still see the revisions as limiting the Holy Spirit. Actually, just the opposite is true. The sharper the tool, the more effective it is in the hand of the craftsman. We want to be as sharp as possible and thereby, be used by Him in the most proficient manner.
The Video The Holy Spirit does not take people to memories, provide memory content, or direct people to the places they need to go. His role is truth giver. Only He can displace the lies we believe with His truth. Only we can make the choice to position ourselves to receive it. He will not violate our free will choice to do so.
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Comment Below
I am a counseling professor in a local seminary here in Davao City, Philippines. Thanks for this very informative skills, though I still have to sit down and look at it more deeply. I am interested to learn more from this TPM.
Yours in Christ,
Jose “Eseng” Victolero
I am glad that you are looking into this ministry. Feel free to use what is online as a class curriculum. Allow your students to access the website and follow the 20 week study path.