TPM Coach: “Michelle” (Practicing the Basics: No Emotion)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence! She will set up scenarios that will test your knowledge of the TPM process and offer helpful information to keep you heading in the right direction. Along the way, she will also provide links to articles, videos, and other training aids, in order to further support and equip you.
This exercise provides you with a safe place to practice using The Map and asking the various questions found in the TPM process while receiving immediate feedback from someone whose knowledge of TPM is pure and up-to-date. As such, we strongly encourage you to share this page with others so that, together, we become more equipped in knowledge, experience, and confidence when applying this process!
For more information, click on any of the following questions in the boxes found below.
How do I start this exercise?
On PC: Scroll up (or click here) and then click “Start.”
On Mobile Device (Tablet/Smartphone): Simply click here (on the image above). Then, either download the iSpring Play app to view and download a copy of this exercise or simply view it in your internet browser.
Click Here to download the iSpring Play app for iOS Devices
Click Here to download the iSpring Play app for Android Devices
How do I restart the exercise?
If at any point you would like to restart the exercise, simply refresh the page.
How do I return to the exercise after clicking on a link?
After clicking on any of the links that Michelle makes available, a new tab or window will open. Once you are finished reading the article or viewing the video, simply close that newly opened tab/window to continue practicing with Michelle.
How do I download this exercise?
On PC: To download this exercise on PC, go to THIS PAGE and click “download” (top-right of your screen).
On Mobile Device (Tablet/Smartphone): Although you can view this exercise in your internet browser, if you download the iSpring Play App, you will be able to practice with Michelle even when you are not connected to the internet. This is really helpful if you have a weak internet connection, slow internet speed, or if you know you will be somewhere that the internet is not available (rural area, vacation, camp, missions, etc.).
Click Here to download the iSpring Play app for iOS Devices
Click Here to download the iSpring Play app for Android Devices
Example of How to Download on Mobile Device using iSpring Play App (Android Shown):
First, click the small icon (i) found to the right of the title/picture:
Second, click “make available offline:”
You’re All Done! You now have the exercise downloaded to your device:
Are there any requirements before I begin this exercise?
This exercise was designed with many people in mind; new people and TPM veterans alike. If you are new to TPM, Michelle will walk you through the basics of TPM, explaining the process and various principles along the way. And if you feel that you are experienced in applying TPM, do not be afraid to purposefully select incorrect responses in order to receive up-to-date explanations of why we do what we do in a TPM session. As you know, TPM has become more and more refined over the years; so do not be surprised if what is currently taught varies slightly from what you are used to. Michelle, and future TPM Coaches, offer a challenge to those who are experienced in TPM while also extending a helping hand to those who are learning the basics.
Quick Note: It is extremely helpful to have a copy of The Map on hand as you practice with Michelle. Try to get in the habit of using it to help you follow the Mentee. Click any of the following images to view and download your copy of The Map
Will there be more of these "TPM Coach" exercises made available in the future?
Absolutely! Our goal here at Transformation Prayer Ministry is to inform and equip you for your journey with the Lord. We wish to offer as many tools and resources as possible to accomplish this goal. We are working daily to make many more of these TPM Coach exercises, and other training aids, as we seek to make TPM freely available to the world.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the “vision” of TPM.
CLICK HERE to partner with us through your donation.
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