Preparation for Your Journey: Final Thoughts
Well Done! You have completed this portion of your training!
You have completed the your initial study of some of the general concepts of TPM. This was not the complete training, but it has provided a good overview of some of the basic principles. There is much more available for you if you are ready to move forward in this journey. If you will invest the time and effort into learning what is here much benefit should follow.
To gain a good understanding of what your ministry session should look like be sure to carefully read through the article entitled “Ministry Session Guidelines.” This article will give you an understanding of what you should expect in a genuine TPM session. Never assume that just because a person says he is following the TPM Process that this is in fact what he is doing. Equip yourself with the knowledge of TPM so that you can discern for yourself.
If your prayer minister does not follow the guidelines, you can ask why not. If he is doing something outside these guidelines, then he is not doing TPM. This is not to say that what he is doing is not effective and valid, but it is not true TPM. You will need to decide what you want to be done.
To learn more about what your session should look like, you can watch an animated video of how a ministry session should flow. Every ministry session is uniquely different and yet very similar. Your ministry facilitator will follow you as you move from point to point on the “MAP.” You will remember the seven “boxes” discussed in a earlier article you read that discussed this process. Click here to watch this video now.
This is Your Journey
It is our desire that you find freedom from the lie-based core beliefs that are causing you trouble. We encourage you to take full control and responsibility for your own mind renewal journey. You are not a victim of anything. You feel whatever you believe. We encourage you to resist the urge to blame others or your situation for what you feel.
Instead, acknowledge your emotions and use them as a means of identifying the lies from which God wants to set you free. Blaming others for what you feel puts you in perpetual emotional bondage to their behavior. If it were true that someone made you feel what you feel, then you could never feel otherwise until they decided to change. Can you see the problem with this?
The Principles and Purpose of TPM
As important as finding freedom from the lies we believe may be, there are two other areas of TPM that are crucial to know and understand. We call these the Principles and Purpose. The reason that we do the process is because of the Principles and Purpose. The TPM Principles are the foundation stones that explain why we do what we do in a ministry session. The Purpose of TPM is why we do TPM at all. The Purpose of TPM is to provide us with a means by which we may intentionally and purposefully cooperate with what God is doing to refine our faith, renew our minds and transform our lives.
The Refiner’s Fire
The Bible describes God as a refiner of our faith. Our experiences in life are often the fire that God uses to expose the lies we believe and to refine our impure faith. Believing the truth with absolute certainty and without any doubting is the faith that God grants us. Where there are impurities in our faith, we will experience doubt. Doubt is not something to be overcome, but is rather an outcome of impure faith. It is the consequence of believing something contrary to the truth. As our faith is made pure, doubt ceases to exist and is replaced with the calm assurance of the faithfulness of God.
Being Double-minded
It is common for a person to know the truth intellectually and yet feel it to be untrue. This is what James the apostle called being “double-minded” (Jam. 1:5-8). I can believe with my intellect that God is the provider of all my needs and yet worry over my finances. When this is the case, I believe two opposing beliefs at the same time. I believe with my intellect the truth of what the Bible says, “My God shall supply…” (Phil. 4:19), but I also believe something contrary to this truth in my heart, which is producing my worry and fear. In TPM, we seek to identify the belief producing the worry and fear so that we can be free of double mindedness and walk in truth. This is where the Spirit renews our mind with His truth.
The Fire Exposes the Dross
As crises and troubles come, we must see them as the refiner’s fire exposing the “dross” or impurities in our belief — the double mindedness. He desires not only to expose our impurities, but also to pull off this dross so that our faith becomes pure. The dross is brought to the surface by what we feel in the midst of the flame. As the dross of lie-based belief is removed, the purity of our faith will begin to reflect His glory in the same way that a smelter’s own reflection can be seen in the molten, purified gold.
The Apostle Peter said this, “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you; but to the degree that you share the sufferings of Christ, keep on rejoicing, so that also at the revelation of His glory you may rejoice with exultation” (1Pet. 4:12-13).
Learn More About the Principles and Purpose of TPM
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