The Process, Principles, and Purpose of TPM

by Jun 13, 2017

This article is foundational to all the rest of your training. Please read it carefully. TPM consists of much more than what happens in a ministry session (Applying the PROCESS). Unless the Mentoring Facilitator and the person being prayed with (the Mentee) both have a solid understanding of the PRINCIPLES and PURPOSE of TPM, the PROCESS (what happens in a session) will likely be viewed as a pain management/resolution ministry and the majority of potential benefit will be forfeited. In TPM negative emotional pain and trying to change unwanted behavior are not viewed as problems to solve or obstacles to overcome, but rather, important elements encountered in of our journey with God and His refinement process.  Emotional pain and unwanted behavior become pointers toward the real problem we seek to resolve in TPM. The real problem is our lacking the truth. When we know the truth with our hearts our emotion will change to match the truth and our behavior will be transformed by the truth. When we make our emotional pain a problem to overcome and controlling our behavior our goal, defeat is inevitable.

Three P’s of TPM

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The Three Primary Components of TPM:
Process, Principles, and Purpose

Key Concepts

  • There are three components that make up TPM: the PROCESS, PRINCIPLES and PURPOSE.
  • The PROCESS is the protocol administered within a ministry session (what we do).
  • The PRINCIPLES make up the foundation on which the process is based and operates (why we do what we do).
  • The PURPOSE is why we do TPM at all. It gives us the proper “lens” through which we can view and understand what God is doing in refining our faith, renewing our minds and transforming our lives. It helps to bring us into a right position so that we might willfully and intentionally cooperate with God in this work.

 General Overview

All three of the components of TPM are important. One without the other limits and decreases the benefit this ministry potentially offers.

The three components of TPM are the PROCESS, PRINCIPLES, and PURPOSE.

1) the PROCESS – is the system or protocol administered within a ministry session that is made up of the questions asked.

2)  PRINCIPLES –the foundation concepts that support why we do what we do in a ministry session. They make up the foundation on which the process is based and operates. The principles explain such things as; how the mind works, principle of association, the source of and purpose for our emotions, the purpose of memory, categories and forms of belief, how belief is formed and established, the role of the Holy Spirit, the belief and choice principle, the  relationship between belief and emotion, the relationship between belief, emotion and sin,  etc.

3) the PURPOSE –is why we do TPM at all.  The purpose of TPM is the “lens” through which we view all that we do that moves us into position so that we might willfully and intentionally cooperate and participate in what God is doing in refining our faith, renewing our minds and transforming our beliefs and behavior. Until we can view our life crisis, difficulties, or troubles from the vantage point of His divine purpose, we will probably assume the worse when difficulty arises, be confused, view the trouble as something to endure and even question why God would allow such things to touch our lives. We will be tempted to take on a victim mentality, and blame our situation, others or God for why we feel what we feel. Most importantly, the process that we implement, and all the principles from which we operate, should be understood in the grander arena we call the “Purpose.”

 Managing Emotional Pain is not the intent of TPM

If we do not understand the Principles and Purpose of TPM and only know about the Process (what is done in a ministry session), we will likely view TPM as a pain managing ministry helping emotionally wounded people to overcome the painful emotion in their lives. When this is the case, people will typically only seek ministry when their pain becomes greater than they are able to manage through some other means.  Those who do come from ministry in their time of crisis will not likely continue once their pain level goes down to a manageable level.

Also, those who are “successfully” managing their pain will probably never look in the direction of TPM since they will not see any need and then miss the benefit of mind renewal and transformation. All of this is because people do not understand the PURPOSE of TPM or the PRINCIPLES that support why we do what we do.

TPM views all emotional pain as an indication of lies believed. It is not just the overwhelming and debilitating emotions that we need to be concerned about, for even the mildest irritations, stresses, or anxious feelings we all experience day-to-day all come from the lies we believe. Suppressing, denying or blaming others or life on what we feel, keeps us in bondage to these lies. To suppress what we feel or distract ourselves of our pain, or make excuses for why we feel what we feel, —”just having a bad day”— is to fail to benefit from the opportunities God affords us to move into greater measures of truth and freedom.

Emotional pain is not something to manage or overcome, but is a God-designed warning system that something is wrong. To pay attention to this warning is to benefit and grow in truth, to dismiss it is to remain in a perpetual cycle of lie-based thinking.

To view TPM as a means for dealing with unmanageable emotional pain, is to fail to understand the real purpose of this ministry. Unfortunately, you see this played out in many church settings where TPM is understood to be a Troubled People’s Ministry (T.P.M.). It is often relegated over to the “Recovery Ministry” to help those who have major hurts, habits, and hangups. When TPM is viewed in this manner, most people in the church will never look in the direction of TPM since they are believed to be managing well.

TPM is NOT a pain managing ministry and emotional pain is NOT understood as a problem or something to overcome, but rather, emotional pain is viewed as a good and necessary part of the process, helping us to identify the lies that we believe and moving us toward freedom.

Understanding the Principles and Purpose is Critical In Order to Reap the Most Benefit

Here is where understanding the Principles and Purpose of TPM becomes critical. When we understand the Principles and Purpose of TPM, the Process will take on a whole new meaning. The TPM Process can become a life skill and daily discipline that we use daily, as we cooperate with God in His grand purpose. The focus of the ministry process will cease to be about alleviating pain and become a means by which we can intentionally and purposefully cooperate with God as He refines our faith, renews our minds, and transforms our lives. To relegate TPM to a “recovery ministry” model is to forfeit much of the benefit that all members are afforded.

This is not to say that applying TPM to a recovery ministry model cannot bring about much good, for indeed it can and does. However, to limit TPM to this ministry model is to limit the greater good to a very small segment of the Body of Christ. All members  of Christ’s Body are called to have their minds renewed so that they may be transformed (Rom. 12:2). TPM provides a way that we each can participate with God in this process.

You have finished reading through this overview of the PROCESS, PRINCIPLES and PURPOSE of TPM. You will want to review it again in the future. What follows is an expanded discussion of each of these three vital areas of TPM. Take your time and learn each well. Equip yourself for this journey with God so that you may equip others who will be journeying with you.

Continue with PART TWO –  The PROCESS of TPM

Continue with PART THREE – The PRINCIPLES of TPM

Continue with PART FOUR – The PURPOSE of TPM