TPM Training Supplements
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Recovered Memory Therapy (RMT) and TPM
TPM differs in every way from Recovered Memory Therapy
From Theophostic to Transformation
How Theophostic Prayer Ministry came to be Transformation Prayer Ministry
If you are asking yourself, “What is SRA?” Then you probably have no reason or need to read this article.
“Concerns” About the New Training
A few people have had concerns about the “new” TPM. These concerns are addressed here.
Help Us Make it Right
If you find a typo or glitch, you can help us clean up what you find.
Taking TPM to the World
We cannot take TPM to the world unless the TPM community comes along side of us.
Applying TPM with An Unbeliever
TPM is being used as a bridge for evangelism in many parts of the world.
Biblical Basis for TPM
The biblical basis for TPM is found in the many principles of the Scriptures.
TPM Coach : “Michelle” (Die Grundlagen üben)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence!
TPM Coach: “Michelle” (Practicing the Basics: Simple Session 1)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence!
TPM Coach: “Michelle” (Practicing the Basics: Simple Session 2)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence!
TPM Coach: “Michelle” (Practicing the Basics: Angry at Somebody)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence!
TPM Coach: “Michelle” (Practicing the Basics: No Emotion)
This is Michelle, your own virtual TPM Coach! She is here to help you learn the TPM process well and apply it with confidence!
Questionable Reasons People Seek Prayer Ministry
People seek ministry for all manner of reasons.
Bringing TPM into the Culture of the Church
TPM as a lifestyle and culture
Why the New Training? (video)
Purpose of the new training is vast.
Why The New Training?
The new training is bringing everything up to date since 2007.
New Training Simplified (video)
Short introduction to TPM Training
Using the Name TPM in Your Ministry Setting
Using the Name Transformation Prayer Ministry in your setting.
Pastors Introducing TPM to their Church (Video)
Churches all around the world are embracing the Principles and Purpose of TPM
When will the all-new training be released? (Update Video)
TPM Training Development Schedule Phase One: Content Creation, Continue Posting Articles, Record Videos, Develop Illustrations, Create Demonstrations, Etc. Phase Two: Translations, Sharing, Beta-Testing, Ongoing Refinements Phase Three: Development of Regional TPM...
Can TPM be Effective with a Person Who has Brain Damage?
TPM is designed to deal with lie-based pain and nothing else.
About the Founder of TPM
Ed Smith founded TPM in 1995. The Smith family.
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